Apollo breaks record for helical Cryo-EM reconstruction

The electron microscopy databank has confirmed that the highest resolution Cryo-EM structure of tobacco mosaic virus, and indeed the highest resolution structure resolved with helical reconstruction was generated from data recorded using the Apollo detector.

The data was collected by researchers at the University of Glasgow in the UK, led by Prof. David Bhella on a JEOL CryoARM300 microscope. The reconstruction is available at EMDB – EMD-16572, and raw data is available at EMPIAR – 11404.


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Direct Electron will be at MSI in Dublin January 14-16

Our European Sales Manager, Eddie Regan will be at the Microscopy Society of Ireland Annual Symposium 2025 this month at University College Dublin. The conference will run from Tuesday, January 14th through Thursday, January 16th at the O’Brien Centre for Science. We hope to see you there!

Direct Electron at 2nd Scottish Cryo-EM Symposium, November 11th 2024

This year the second Scottish Cryo-EM Symposium will be hosted in Glasgow, & our Sales Director Bob Monteverde will be there! This free, one-day meeting features talks from students, postdocs and facilities from across Scotland, together with a poster session, social event and the ever popular ‘advice session’ where you can seek guidance from our expert panel on your cryo-EM challenges. The meeting will be held at the University of Glasgow’s Advanced Research Centre. We hope to see you there!
