
Highlighted Publications


Publication TitleYearCameraEM ManufacturerEM ModelCategoryGeneral ApplicationSpecific TechniqueJournalWebsiteImpact
HKU5 bat merbecoviruses use divergent mechanisms to engage bat and mink ACE2 as entry receptors2025ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMbioRxivViewThis study identifies the receptor site for a form of bat coronavirus, merbecovirus HKU5, and finds that the virus can engage these receptor sites mink and stoats as well, revealing mustelids as potential intermediate hosts for spillover.
A nanoengineered tandem nitroreductase: designing a robust prodrug-activating nanoreactor2025ApolloJEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMRSC Chem BiolViewCryo-EM shows the structure of encapsulated nitroreductase NfsB dimers within a nanoreactor enviroment. The findings highlight the potential of encapsulins as tools for enhancing enzyme performance.
Ion beam assisted deposition of a thin film metallic glass2025Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80MaterialsOtherNanobeam Electron DiffractionThin Solid FilmsViewStudy of ion beam assisted deposition, which can yield metallic glasses with improved kinetic stability and hardness, and offers new ways to tune the structure and properties of metallic glasses
Direct electron detection for EBSD of low symmetry & beam sensitive ceramics2025DE-SEMCamTFSApreoMaterialsLow kVEBSDUltramicroscopyViewMAPS Direct detector yields superior EBSPs of low symmetry, charge-sensitive ceramics
Nanoscale View of Alignment and Domain Growth in a Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystal2024Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMOrientation MappingACS Nano ViewIn situ 4D STEM was used to characterize structural changes in a liquid crystal material as a function of temperature
Clustering characteristic diffraction vectors in 4-D STEM data sets from overlapping structures in nanocrystalline and amorphous materials2024Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMOrientation MappingUltramicroscopyViewMethodology to identify and cluster diffraction patterns in 4D datasets to allow for complex structural analysis of materials such as metallic glass.
From Beam Damage to Massive Reaction Amplification under the Electron Microscope: An Ionization-Induced Chain Reaction in Crystals of a Dewar Benzene2024ApolloTFSTalos F200CBiologyCryoEMMicroEDACS Central ScienceViewThe study shows how chemical probes can be used to transform indiscriminate electron beam damage into clean chemical processes that help to characterize electron beam - soft organic matter interactions.
Accounting for electron-beam-induced warping of molecular nanocrystals in MicroED structure determination2024ApolloTFSTalos F200CBiologyCryoEMMicroEDIUCrJViewFundamental study of beam-induced crystal lattice reorientations, and how these must be accounted for in MicroED
Conformational Flexibility in Capsids Encoded by the Caliciviridae2024ApolloJEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirusesViewA review, summarizing current understanding of capsid protein P-domain flexibility, and the role it plays in infection and immune evasion by calciviruses, which include norovirus.
The Structure of the Drp1 Lattice on Membrane2024ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMbioRxivViewA locally ordered Drp1 lattice structure is solved and reveals intermolecular contacts and conformational rearrangements that suggest a mechanism for constriction of mitochondrial membranes
Structure of dimerized assimilatory NADPH-dependent sulfite reductase reveals the minimal interface for diflavin reductase binding2024ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMbioRxivViewFirst report of the structure of a sulfite reductase/oxidase complex, with key insights into interactions at the interface.
2D Electrodes From Functionalized Graphene for Rapid Electrochemical Gold Extraction and Reduction From Electronic Waste2024DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMAdvanced ScienceViewDE-16 used to image gold nanoparticles produced after electro-extraction from waste electronics
Graphene/chitosan nanoreactors for ultrafast and precise recovery and catalytic conversion of gold from electronic waste2024DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMPNASViewDE-16 used to image gold nanoparticles produced after electro-extraction from waste electronics
Enhanced Efficiency and Stability for the Inverted High-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cell via Bottom Passivation Strategy2024DE-16JEOLF200MaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMRRL SolarViewLow-dose lattice resolution images were acquired to characterize the structure of a perovskite solar cell material
Gold nanoparticles decorated magnetic nanozyme for colorimetric detection of mercury (II) ions via enhanced peroxidase-like activity2024DE-16TFSTecnai F20MaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMMicrochemical JournalViewGold-loaded ZnO/Fe3O4 nanozymes developed for use in detecting mercury contamination
Femtosecond trimer quench cycled at megahertz rates in the unconventional charge-density wave material 1T′-TaTe22024DE-16JEOLJEM 2100 UTEMPhysicsOtherUltrafast TEMPhys Rev BViewA strongly directional cooperative atomic motion is observed on a 500 fs timescale is observed during a one-dimensional quench of a transition metal dichalcogenide at low temperature.
Structure-guided mutagenesis targeting interactions between pp150 tegument protein and small capsid protein identify five lethal and two live-attenuated HCMV mutants2024DE-64TFSTitan 300/80BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirologyViewMutational analysis of the pp150 small capsid protein interface in human cytomegalovirus
Scalable electron tomography for connectomics2024DE-64TFSTitan HaloBiologyOtherSerial Section TomographybioRxivViewThe authors demonstrate limited-tilt, serial section electron tomography (ET), which can non-destructively map brain circuits over large 3D volumes
Effects of Thiophene-Fused Isomer on High-Layered Crystallinity in π-Extended and Alkylated Organic Semiconductors2024DE-64JEOLCryoARM300MaterialsCryoEMMicroEDChem. MaterViewSystematic investigation of the structure of highly layered organic semiconductors
Adult cardiomyocytes-derived EVs for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis2024DE-20JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow dose HRTEMJournal of Extracellular VesiclesViewAnalysis of extracellular vesicles released by cardiomyocytes, which may offer a treatment for cardiac fibrosis
Use of phase plate cryo-EM reveals conformation diversity of therapeutic IgG with 50 kDa Fab fragment resolved below 6 Å2024DE-20JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsViewPhase-plate assisted single particle cryo-EM was applied to a therapeutic immunoglobulin, revealing structure. The approach developed here helps overcome challenges in cryo-EM analysis of small proteins.
Molecular Mechanism of pH-Induced Protrusion Configuration Switching in Piscine Betanodavirus Implies a Novel Antiviral Strategy2024DE-20JEOLJEM-2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMACS Infectious DiseasesViewThis work provides new structural insights and identifies a number of putative druggable sites on the capsid protrusion of nervous necrosis virus, which infects fish and causes environmental and economic harm worldwide.
Small extracellular vesicles in follicular fluids for predicting reproductive outcomes in assisted reproductive technology 2024DE-20JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow dose HRTEMCommunications MedicineViewThis study demonstrate that small non coding RNAs derived from small extracellular vesicles in follicular fluid can be potential non-invasive biomarkers for predicting pregnancy in assisted reproductive treatments
Crystal plane orientation-dependent surface atom diffusion in sub–10-nm Au nanocrystals2024DE-12JEOLJEM-2100FMaterialsIn situIn situ StrainScience AdvancesViewIn situ TEM was used to observe atomic-scale surface pressure-driven atom diffusion in gold nanocrystals at room temperature
Antibodies from dengue patients with prior exposure to Japanese encephalitis virus are broadly neutralizing against Zika virus2024DE-12JEOLJEM-2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMCommunications BiologyViewThis study identified a rare class of ZIKV-cross-reactive human monoclonal antibodies with broad neutralization against multiple flaviviruses
Methylocystis suflitae sp. nov., a novel type II methanotrophic bacterium isolated from landfill cover soil2024DE-12JEOL2010FBiologyCryoEMLow dose HRTEMInternational Journal of Systemic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyViewThis study describes a previously unknown methanotrophic bacterium found in landfill cover soil
Event-based direct detectors and their applications in electron microscopy2023ApolloMultipleMultipleBiologyCryoEMEvent-based detectorsMicroscopy & AnalysisViewThe authors review the development of event-based direct detectors, and their electron microscopy applications.
Effect of self and extrinsic encapsulation on electron resilience of porous 2D polymer nanosheets2023ApolloJEOLNeoARMMaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMMicronViewThe lattice of a beam sensitive 2D polymer was imaged using Apollo at 5 electrons per angstrom squared. Lattice imaging was impossible on a conventional detector due to beam damage.
Production and characterization of an AAV1-VP3-only capsid: An analytical benchmark standard2023ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMMolecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical DevelopmentViewThis work describes the design, production, characterization, & CryoEM structure of an AAV1-VP3-only capsid to be used as an analytical standard for gene therapy delivery studies.
Deep Learning Approach for High-accuracy Electron Counting of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor-type Direct Electron Detectors at Increased Electron Dose2023Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMOtherMicroscopy and MicroanalysisViewDeep learning algorithm for electron counting developed that can process frames with less sparsity than conventional methods
Vapor-to-glass preparation of biaxially aligned organic semiconductors2023Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMOrientation MappingJ Chem PhysViewNanometer scale orientation mapping of molecular glasses using low-dose 4D STEM
Momentum transfer resolved electron correlation microscopy2023Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMIn situ 4D STEMUltramicroscopyViewAn in situ 4D STEM dataset was used to create relaxation time maps for a metallic glass nanowire heated to 511K
Using 4D STEM to Probe Mesoscale Order in Molecular Glass Films Prepared by Physical Vapor Deposition2023Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMOrientation MappingNano LettersViewNanometer scale orientation mapping of molecular glasses using low-dose 4D STEM
Event-based direct detectors and their applications in electron microscopy2023ApolloMultipleMultipleMultipleOtherReviewMicroscopy & AnalysisViewReview of event-based direct detectors for electron microscopy, including the DE Apollo camera
Dislocation cells in additively manufactured metallic alloys characterized by electron backscatter diffraction pattern sharpness2023DE-SEMCamTFSApreoMaterialsLow kVEBSDMaterials CharacterizationViewUse of EBSD pattern sharpness to characterize dislocation cells
Single-shot, coherent, pop-out 3D metrology2023DE-16JEOLJEM-2200FSMaterialsOtherHRTEMCommunications PhysicsViewThis paper outlines a method for determining the 3D structure of a specimen in TEM by analyzing differences in defocus in different areas of a TEM image
Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material 2023DE-16JEOLJEM 2100 UTEMPhysicsOtherUltrafast TEMNature MaterialsViewLow dose diffraction tomography on a DE-16 to determine a light induced state in a material on ultrafast timescales
Direct atomic-scale observation of thermally driven grain-boundary migration associated with triple-junction motion2023DE-16JEOLJEM-2200FSMaterialsIn situIn situ HeatingPhys. Rev. Mater.ViewDynamics of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline material imaged during heating
Antibacterial and cytotoxicity activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of naartjie (Citrus unshiu) fruit peels2023DE-16TFSTecnai F20BiologyOtherLow dose HRTEMEmerging ContaminantsViewThis study analyzed the antibacterial and cytotoxicity activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized from fruit peels
A plant-produced SARS-CoV-2 spike protein elicits heterologous immunity in hamsters2023DE-16TFSTecnai F20BiologyOtherNegative Stain TEMFrontiers In Plant ScienceViewA plant-produced SARS-COV-2 antigen was assessed and compared to a similar mammalian-produced antigen
Assessing Ultrathin Wafer-Scale WS2 as a Diffusion Barrier for Cu Interconnects2023DE-16JEOLJEM-2200FSMaterialsOtherHRTEMACS Appl. Electron. Mater.ViewThis study shows that WS2 films block Cu diffusion and reduce the effective resistance of Cu films, with applications to intertconnects in CMOS technology
Physical properties of computationally informed phyto-engineered 2-D nanoscaled hydronium jarosite2023DE-16TFSTecnai F20MaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMScientific ReportsViewLow dose imaging of a bioengineering-generated rare mineral, hydronium jarosite
Structural and Biophysical Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype 2 Capsid Assembly Variants2023DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyViewThis study investigates the role of viral protein (VP) symmetry interactions on capsid assembly, genome packaging, stability, and infectivity for adeno-associated viruses, which are key vectors for gene therapy
Spatial and functional arrangement of Ebola virus polymerase inside phase-separated viral factories2023DE-64TFSTitan HaloBiologyOtherResin-embedded TomographyNature CommunicationsViewElectron tomography allowed subcellular volumes of ebolavirus viral factories to be reconstructed and characterized
Structural resolution of a small organic molecule by serial X-ray free-electron laser and electron crystallography2023DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMMicroEDNature ChemistryViewThe structure of an organic molecule, rhodamine-6G, was determined by both XFEL, and by electron diffraction using a direct detector
Structural Characterization of Canine Minute Virus, Rat and Porcine Bocavirus2023DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirusesViewThe capsid structures of several Bocaparvoviruses, for which no antivirals or vaccines currently exist, were determined by CryoEM.
Double-headed binding of myosin II to F-actin shows the effect of strain on head structure2023DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJ Struct BioViewCryoEM used to visualize internal strain produced in F-actin with heavy meromyosin
Quantification of monodisperse and biocompatible gold nanoparticles by single-particle ICP-MS2023DE-12JEOLJEM-2010FMaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMAnalytical and Bioanalytical ChemistryViewInvestigation of how different synthesis methods affect gold nanoparticle size distribution and cytotoxicity
Fabrication of liquid cell for in situ transmission electron microscopy of electrochemical processes2023DE-12JEOLJEM-2100FMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNature ProtocolsViewMethodology review article featuring figures showing data acquired on a DE-12 detector
Structure and its transformation of elliptical nege-like virus Tanay virus2023DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of General VirologyViewCryoEM and CryoET reveal new structural geometries of Tanay Virus, providing insights into the infection and assembly mechanism in negeviruses, which are common in mosquitos around the world
Synthesis, Characterization, and Acute Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Chloroquine Encapsulating Liposomes2023DE-12JEOLJEM-2010FBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMMicroViewCryoEM helped to characterize the size and shape of Liposomes encapsulating chloroquine, a widely used malaria drug. These results may be relevant for liposome-based chloroquine delivery for nanomedicine applications.
Lipid-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for anti-viral applications via delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins2023DE-20JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsViewThis study reports the use of Lipid-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles to deliver CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) that target the Niemann–Pick disease type C1 gene, reducing Ebola virus infection
Factors Influencing the Repeated Transient Optical Droplet Vaporization Threshold and Lifetimes of Phase Change, Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets 2023DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSMaterialsCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMNanomaterialsViewImaging of perfluorocarbon nanodroplets
Microvesicle release from inner segments of healthy photoreceptors is a conserved phenomenon in mammalian species2022DE-64TFSTitan HaloBiologyOtherResin-embedded TomographyDisease Models and MechanismsViewElectron tomography used to investigate microvesicles released from mamallian photoreceptor cells
Capsid Structure of Aleutian Mink Disease Virus and Human Parvovirus 4: New Faces in the Parvovirus Family Portrait 2022DE-64, ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirusesViewCapsid structure of two parvoviruses determined by single particle CryoEM
Coinfection by influenza A virus and respiratory syncytial virus produces hybrid virus particles2022DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature MicrobiologyViewUnbinned (8k x 8k) counting CryoET with DE-64. Hybrid virus particles (HVPs) of influenza A virus (IAV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) harbour surface glycoproteins and ribonucleoproteins of IAV and RSV for immune evasion.
ALS mutations in the TIA-1 prion-like domain trigger highly condensed pathogenic structures2022DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMMicroEDPNASViewNew model of disease-associated mutations in T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) with potential to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases caused by amino acid mutations in intrinsically disordered proteins
Characterizing the Resolution and Throughput of the Apollo Direct Electron Detector2022ApolloTFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJ Struct Bio XViewFirst single particle cryoEM data published with Apollo. Apollo outperformed competing detectors in comparative tests
Large Area, High Resolution Mapping of Approximate Rotational Symmetries in a Pd77.5Cu6Si16.5 Metallic Glass Thin Film2022Celeritas XSTFSTitan 200/80Materials4D STEMSymmetry mappingUltramicroscopyViewFirst 4D STEM publicaton using Celeritas. High resolution symmetry mapping of local order in a metallic glass
A mechanism for exocyst-mediated tethering via Arf6 and PIP5K1C-driven phosphoinositide conversion2022DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyCurrent BiologyViewCryo electron tomography of of exocyst-mediated liposome tethering
Cryoem Structure Determination of Actin Decorated with Smooth Muscle Heavy Meromyosin2022DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMSSRN PreprintViewDetermination of the 3-D structure of F-actin in complex with recombinant smooth muscle heavy meromyosin in the presence of Mg·ADP
Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Proteus Virus 3092022DE-16TFSTecnai F20BiologyOtherNegative Stain TEMVirusesViewHighly lytic bacteriophage, Proteus_virus_309 imaged using a DE-16
Emerging Disordered Layered-Herringbone Phase in Organic Semiconductors Unveiled by Electron Crystallography2022DE-64JEOLCryoARM300MaterialsCryoEMMicroEDChem MaterViewMicroED on a DE-64 of an organic semiconductor material
Switchable wetting of oxygen-evolving oxide catalysts2022DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNature CatalysisViewIn situ electrochemistry on wettability of an oxide (with zero-loss energy filtering)
Reversed Phase Transformation of β→α-Sn at Elevated Temperatures towards Quantum Material Integration on Silicon2022DE-16JEOLARM 200FMaterials4D STEMCrystal phase mappingCommunications MaterialsViewExample of crystal phase mapping with 4D STEM on a DE-16 camera.
Cryo-EM reveals a mechanism of USP1 inhibition through a cryptic binding site2022DE-20JEOLJEM-F200BiologyCryoEMScreeningScience AdvancesView
Size Distribution of Inactivated Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Particles Revealed by a Comprehensive Physicochemical Approach2022DE-20JEOLJEM-2100BiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMBiomedecinesView
Comparing Two Methods for the Isolation of Exosomes2022DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMJournal Of Nucleic AcidsView
Characterization of the Serpentine Adeno-Associated Virus (SAAV) Capsid Structure: Receptor Interactions and Antigenicity2022DE-20TFSKriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Cooperative amyloid fibre binding and disassembly by the Hsp70 disaggregase2022DE-20TFSTecnai TF20BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyThe Embo JournalView
Methods and Applications of Campenot Trichamber Neuronal Cultures for the Study of Neuroinvasive Viruses2022DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyAxonalView
Alphavirus Particles Can Assemble with an Alternate Triangulation Number2022DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirusesView
Particle Morphology of Medusavirus Inside and Outside the Cells Reveals a New Maturation Process of Giant Viruses2022DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyJournal Of VirologyView
Characterization of a Primordial Major Capsid-Scaffolding Protein Complex in Icosahedral Virus Shell Assembly2022DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of Molecular BiologyView
Rigid monoclonal antibodies improve detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein2021DE-12TFSTecnai F20BiologyOtherNegative Stain TEMmAbsViewTEM used to visualize monoclonal antibodies that can bind to the SARS-COV-2 virus
Machine learning-based real-time object locator/evaluator for cryo-EM data collection2021DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMComputational methodsNature Communications BiologyViewDevelopment of Machine Learning applied to automate cryoEM data collection with a DE-64
High temporal-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy using sparse-serpentine scan pathways2021None (DE-Freescan)JEOLARM 200FMultipleIn situSTEM imagingScientific ReportsViewDemonstration of Serpentine STEM scanning and sparse sampling with DE-Freescan as techniques for faster in situ STEM imaging
Fast Surface Dynamics on a Metallic Glass Nanowire2021DE-16TFSTitan 300/80MaterialsIn situIn situ HeatingACS Nano ViewRapid In situ heating with a DENS holder.
Assessment of an LSDV-Vectored Vaccine for Heterologous Prime-Boost Immunizations against HIV 2021DE-16TFSTecnai F20BiologyOtherNegative Stain TEMVaccinesViewVirus-like particles imaged with a DE-16 during HIV vaccine candidate study
Electron crystallography of chiral and non-chiral small molecules2021DE-64TFSTalos Arctica 200BiologyCryoEMMicroEDUltramicroscopyView3D structures of chiral and non-chiral small organic molecules solved using continuous rotation MicroED on a DE-64
Ultrafast electron microscopy for probing magnetic dynamics2021DE-16JEOLJEM 2100 UTEMPhysicsOtherUltrafast TEMMRS BulletinViewExample of Ultrafast 4D STEM mapping of a magnetic field.
Mutations at the Alphavirus E1'-E2 Interdimer Interface Have Host-Specific Phenotypes2021DE-12JEOLJEM 3200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of VirologyViewAnalysis of the structure of spike proteins on the surface of alphavirus particles, which may guide future antiviral drug design
In situ electron microscopy study of structural transformations in 2D CoSe22021DE-16TFSTitan 300/80MaterialsIn situIn situ Heatingnpj 2D MaterialsViewIn situ heating at atomic resolution showing phase change in Cobalt Di-Selenide
Direct Detectors and Their Applications in Electron Microscopy for Materials Science2021DE-16, DE-SEMCamMultipleMultipleMaterialsOtherReviewJournal of Physics : MaterialsViewReview article on direct detectors in materials science electron microscopy
Elemental mapping of labelled biological specimens at intermediate energy loss in an energy-filtered TEM acquired using a direct detection device2021DE-12JEOLJEM 3200EFBiologyCryoEMEFTEM elemental mappingJournal of MicroscopyViewDemonstration of low dose elemental mapping of biological specimens with a DE-12 (aka DirectView)
The cryo-EM structure of vesivirus 2117 highlights functional variations in entry pathways for viruses in different clades of the Vesivirus genus2021DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of VirologyViewDetermination of the of the 3D capsid structure of Vesivirus 2117, a contaminant in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
The myosin II coiled-coil domain atomic structure in its native environment2021DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPNASViewCryo-EM structure of the α-helical coiled-coil tail of Myosin II, the molecule that produces force in muscle contraction
trans-Translation inhibitors bind to a novel site on the ribosome and clear Neisseria gonorrhoeae in vivo2021DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature CommunicationsViewStudy of trans-translation inhibitors as a potential therapy for drug-resistant bacteria
Three-step nucleation of metal–organic framework nanocrystals2021DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situ Liquid phase EMPNASViewExtreme Low Dose In Situ TEM of MOFs
A data reduction and compression description for high throughput time-resolved electron microscopy2021DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situ Computational methodsNature CommunicationsViewAdvanced algorithms for high speed in situ TEM
Protein and Organic-Molecular Crystallography With 300kV Electrons on a Direct Electron Detector2021DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMMicroEDFrontiers in Molecular BiosciencesViewDemonstration of low dose electron diffraction (MicroED) on a DE-64
Real-time Monitoring Reveals Dissolution/Redeposition Mechanism in Copper Nanocatalysts during the Initial Stages of the CO2 Reduction Reaction2021DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMAngewandte ChemieViewIn situ TEM of Carbon Dioxide Reduction over Copper Nanocatalysts
Sub-3 Å Cryo-EM Structures of Necrosis Virus Particles via the Use of Multipurpose TEM with Electron Counting Camera2021DE-20JEOLJEM-2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMInternational Journal Of Molecular SciencesView
Below 3 Å structure of apoferritin using a multipurpose TEM with a side entry cryoholder2021DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsView
Potent Antiviral Activity against HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 by Antimicrobial Peptoids2021DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMPharmaceuticalsView
Regulation of reversible conformational change, size switching, and immunomodulation of RNA nanocubes2021DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMRNAView
Flagellar Structures from the Bacterium Caulobacter crescentus and Implications for Phage ϕCbK Predation of Multiflagellin Bacteria2021DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyJournal Of BacteriologyView
Supertwisted spirals of layered materials enabled by growth on non-Euclidean surfaces2020DE-16TFSTitan 300/80Materials4D STEMCrystal orientation mappingScienceViewTwist angles of 2D layers in a layered 2D material determined using nanodiffraction on a DE-16
CryoEM structure of Drosophila flight muscle thick filaments at 7 A resolution2020DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMLife Science AllianceView
Mechanism of efficient double-strand break repair by a long non-coding RNA2020DE-64JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNucleic Acids ResearchView
Denoising atomic resolution 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy data with tensor singular value decomposition2020DE-16TFSTitan 300/80Materials4D STEMComputational methodsUltramicroscopyViewRapid Denoising of 4D STEM data improves quality
An open interface in the pre-80S ribosome coordinated by ribosome assembly factors Tsr1 and Dim1 enables temporal regulation of Fap7 2020DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMRNAView
Subunit joining exposes nascent pre-40S rRNA for processing and quality control2020DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMbiorXivView
Ultrafast nano-imaging of the order parameter in a structural phase transition2020DE-16JEOLJEM 2100 UTEMPhysicsOtherUltrafast TEMScienceViewUltrafast, real space dark field imaging of different crystalline phases
Electron Backscattered Diffraction using a New Monolithic Direct Detector: High Resolution and Fast Acquisition2020DE-SEMCamTFSApreoMaterialsLow kVEBSDUltramicroscopyViewEBSD at ~6000 fps with AKRA
Comparative Analysis of the Capsid Structures of AAVrh.10, AAVrh.39, and AAV82020DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of VirologyView2.75 Angstrom resolution cryo-EM on capsid structures
High-purity free-electron momentum states prepared by three-dimensional optical phase modulation2020DE-16JEOLJEM 2100 UTEMPhysicsOtherUltrafast TEMPhys. Rev. ResearchViewControl of electron beam momentum states using laser beam
Reconstruction of Average Subtracted Tubular Regions (RASTR) enables structure determination of tubular filaments by cryo-EM2020DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of Structural BiologyViewHigh-resolution CryoEM of challenging structures
Atomic resolution convergent beam electron diffraction analysis using convolutional neural networks2020DE-16TFSTitanMaterials4D STEMComputational methodsUltramicroscopyView4D-STEM
How Mn/Ni ordering controls electrochemical performance in high-voltage spinel LiNi0.44Mn1.56O4 with fixed oxygen content2020DE-16TFSTitan 300/80MaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMACS Applied Energy MaterialsViewAtomic resolution imaging of beam sensitive battery materials
Cross-sectional characterization of the conversion layer formed on AA2024-T3 by a lithium-leaching coating2020DE-16TFSTitan 300/80MaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMApplied Surface ScienceViewLow dose HRTEM imaging of beam sensitive alloy
In situ observation of temperature-dependent atomistic and mesoscale oxidation mechanisms of aluminum nanoparticles2020DE-12Hitachi9500 ETEMMaterialsIn situGas phase EMNano ResearchViewIn situ oxidation observed on DE-12
Electrode roughness dependent electrodeposition of sodium at the nanoscale2020DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNano EnergyViewIn situ Electrochemistry on DE-12
Utilizing TiO2 amorphous precursors for polymorph selection: An in situ TEM study of phase formation and kinetics2020DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situGas phase EMJ. Am. Ceram. Soc. ViewIn situ Gas and Heating using DE-12 detector and Hummingbird TEM holders
Assessing nanoparticle colloidal stability with single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) 2020DE-12JEOLJEOL 2010FMaterialsOtherLow dose HRTEMAnal. Bioanal. Chem.ViewTEM micrographs of gold nanoparticles acquired with a DE-12 camera
Structure of the host cell recognition and penetration machinery of a Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophage2020DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPLOS PathogensView
Isolation of an archaeon at the prokaryote–eukaryote interface2020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEM and Cryo Electron TomographyNatureView
Membrane binding and rearrangement by chikungunya virus capping enzyme nsP12020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMVirologyView
Structural and Proteomic Characterization of the Initiation of Giant Virus Infection2020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMCellView
Arachidonic acid promotes the binding of 5-lipoxygenase on nanodiscs containing 5-lipoxygenase activating protein in the absence of calcium-ions2020DE-20JEOLJEM2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPLOS OneView
Conformational activation of ribosome recycling by intra- and inter-molecular dynamics of RRF2020DE-20TFSTalosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMInternational Journal Of Biological MacromoleculesView
Discovery of Exosomes From Tick Saliva and Salivary Glands Reveals Therapeutic Roles for CXCL12 and IL-8 in Wound Healing at the Tick–Human Skin Interface2020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMFrontiers In Cell And Developmental BiologyView
A cryptic tubulin-binding domain links MEKK1 to curved tubulin protomers2020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPNASView
Arrangement of the Polymerase Complexes inside a Nine-Segmented dsRNA Virus2020DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
DSS1 and ssDNA regulate oligomerization of BRCA22020DE-20JEOLJEM2100FBiologyCryoEMNegative Stain TEMNucleic Acids ResearchView
The structural basis for Z α1-antitrypsin polymerization in the liver2020DE-20TFSTecnai TF20BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScience AdvancesView
Uncovering temperature-dependent extracellular vesicle secretion in breast cancer2020DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMJournal Of Extracellular VesiclesView
Characterization of Cationic Bolaamphiphile Vesicles for siRNA Delivery into Tumors and Brain2020DE-12JEOLJEM2010FBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMMolecular Therapy Nucleic AcidsView
4D STEM with a direct electron detector2020DE-16TFSTitan 300/80Materials4D STEMReviewMicroscopy & AnalysisView4D STEM explainer written with Paul Voyles. Show off some DE-16 data.
In vivo cell biological screening identifies an endocytic capture mechanism for T-tubule formation2020LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain TEMNature CommunicationsView
The Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase Complex Has an Asymmetric, Dynamic, and Modular Architecture2020LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyOtherNegative Stain Single Particle AnalysisCell ReportsView
Fast Coalescence of metallic glass nanoparticles2019DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situIn situ HeatingNature CommunicationsViewIn situ heating with DE-12
Cryo-electron microscopy: an introduction to the technique, and considerations when working to establish a national facility2019DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMReviewBiophysical ReviewsViewLumazine Synthesaze Reconstruction
Yeast R2TP Interacts with Extended Termini of Client Protein Nop58p2019DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsView
Split-miniSOG for Spatially Detecting Intracellular Protein-Protein Interactions by Correlated Light and Electron Microscopy2019DE-12JEOLJEM 3200EFBiologyCryoEMEFTEMCell Chemical BiologyViewEFTEM using a DE-12 with Omega filter
Protease-Activatable Adeno-Associated Virus Vector for Gene Delivery to Damaged Heart Tissue2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMMolecular TherapyView3.16 Angstrom resolution CryoEM using DE-20
Direct Observations of the Rotation and Translation of Anisotropic Nanoparticles Adsorbed at a Liquid–Solid Interface2019DE-16JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNano LettersView300 FPS rotating nanorods
Time-resolved atomic-scale observations of deformation and fracture of nanoporous gold under tension2019DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situIn situ StrainActa MaterialiaViewTime resolved atomic resolution movies
Throughput and Resolution with a Next Generation Direct Electron Detector2019DE-64TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMIUCrJViewCharacterization of D-64 for Cryo-EM. Counting mode provides better resolution than integrating mode.
Microstructure and microchemistry study of irradiation-induced precipitates in proton irradiated ZrNb alloys2019DE-16TFSTitanMaterials4D STEMStrain mappingActa MaterialiaViewDE-16 used for strain mapping with 4D STEM
Initial Results from the CryoARM300 and DE-64 Counting2019DE-64JEOLCryoARM300BiologyCryoEMDetector CharacterizationMicroscopy and MicroanalysisViewCharacterization of DE-64 on JEOL CryoARM300
Subsampled Acquisition to Increase Speed and Reduce Data Size for In Situ TEM2019DE-16JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situCompressive sensing developmentMicroscopy and MicroanalysisViewAdvanced 4D-STEM with Compressive sensing
Multi-Color Electron Microscopy of Cellular Ultrastructure Using 4D-STEM2019DE-16JEOL3200EFBiology4D STEMMulti-color EMMicroscopy and MicroanalysisViewBiological application of 4D-STEM
Structure of the gene therapy vector, adeno-associated virus with its cell receptor, AAVR2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyeLife SciencesViewCryoelectron tomography and Single particle Cryo-EM using a DE-20
Visualization of unstained DNA nanostructures with advanced in-focus phase contrast TEM techniques2019DE-16TFSTitan 300/80BiologyOtherDark-field TEM imagingScientific ReportsViewDark-field TEM on a direct detector outperforms CCD
Bile Salts Alter the Mouse Norovirus Capsid Conformation: Possible Implications for Cell Attachment and Immune Evasion2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Freeze-Drying To Produce Efficacious CPMV Virus-like Particles2019DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNano LettersView
Structure of the gene therapy vector, adeno-associated virus with its cell receptor, AAVR2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyElifeView
Mechanisms of nuclear content loading to exosomes2019DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMScience AdvancesView
The phage L capsid decoration protein has a novel OB-fold and an unusual capsid binding strategy2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMElifeView
The phage L capsid decoration protein has a novel OB-fold and an unusual capsid binding strategy2019DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMElifeView
Components of the Reovirus Capsid Differentially Contribute to Stability2019DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Dissecting the Components of Sindbis Virus from Arthropod and Vertebrate Hosts: Implications for Infectivity Differences2019DE-12JEOLJEM-3200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMACS Infectious DiseasesView
Ascidian caveolin induces membrane curvature and protects tissue integrity and morphology during embryogenesis2019LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyThe FASEB JournalView
Mechanistic Understanding of the Growth Kinetics and Dynamics of Nanoparticle Superlattices by Coupling Interparticle Forces from Real-Time Measurements2018DE-12TFSTecnai F20MaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNano LettersViewSuperlattice structures formed by nanoparticle (NP) self-assembly
3-D Structure of Z-disks Isolated from the Flight Muscle of Lethocerus indicus2018DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyBiophysical JournalViewCryoelectron tomography with a DE-20 camera
Promotion of catalytic selectivity on transition metal oxide through restructuring surface lattice2018DE-12Hitachi9500 ETEMMaterialsIn situGas phase EMApplied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalViewDE-12 used to visualize atomic resolution changes in surface of Co3O4 particles
Heating-Induced Transformations of Atmospheric Particles: Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy Study2018DE-12TFSTitan ETEMMaterialsIn situGas phase EMAnalytical ChemistryViewIn situ ETEM on DE-12
Reducing effects of particle adsorption to the air–water interface in cryo-EM2018DE-20TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature MethodsView
Routine single particle CryoEM sample and grid characterization by Cryo Electron Tomography2018DE-20TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyElifeView
Programming molecular topologies from single-stranded nucleic acids2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature CommunicationsView
Vibrio cholerae Outer Membrane Vesicles Inhibit Bacteriophage Infection2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyJournal Of BacteriologyView
Novel Insect-Specific Eilat Virus-Based Chimeric Vaccine Candidates Provide Durable, Mono- and Multivalent, Single-Dose Protection against Lethal Alphavirus Challenge2018DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Lipid-Coated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for the Delivery of the ML336 Antiviral to Inhibit Encephalitic Alphavirus Infection2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsView
The Morphology and Assembly of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Revealed by Cryo-Electron Cryo Electron Tomography2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyVirusesView
Dynamic structural states of ClpB involved in its disaggregation function2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMNegative Stain TEMNature CommunicationsView
An attenuated replication-competent chikungunya virus with a fluorescently tagged envelope2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPlos Neglected Tropical DiseasesView
Novel Sulfolobus Virus with an Exceptional Capsid Architecture2018DE-20TFSTalosBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron Tomography amd Low-dose HRTEMJournal Of VirologyView
Exosomes serve as novel modes of tick-borne flavivirus transmission from arthropod to human cells and facilitates dissemination of viral RNA and proteins to the vertebrate neuronal cells2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPLOS PathogensView
Shigella Phages Isolated during a Dysentery Outbreak Reveal Uncommon Structures and Broad Species Diversity2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Promotion of virus assembly and organization by the measles virus matrix protein2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature CommunicationsView
Neutralizing Antibodies Inhibit Chikungunya Virus Budding at the Plasma Membrane2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyCell Host & MicrobeView
Structural modelling of the DNAJB6 oligomeric chaperone shows a peptide-binding cleft lined with conserved S/T-residues at the dimer interface2018DE-20JEOLJEM-2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScientific ReportsView
Structure of the 30 kDa HIV-1 RNA Dimerization Signal by a Hybrid Cryo-EM, NMR, and Molecular Dynamics Approach2018DE-12JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
Highly Efficient Transfer of 7TM Membrane Protein from Native Membrane to Covalently Circularized Nanodisc2018DE-12JEOLJEM-2100BiologyOtherPhase Plate TEMScientific ReportsView
Hepatitis B virus core protein allosteric modulators can distort and disrupt intact capsids2018DE-12JEOLJEM-3200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMElifeView
Epitope resurfacing on dengue virus-like particle vaccine preparation to induce broad neutralizing antibody2018DE-12JEOLJEM-2100BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMElifeView
Small GTPases and BAR domain proteins regulate branched actin polymerisation for clathrin and dynamin-independent endocytosis2018LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyNature CommunicationsView
Structure of a PSI–LHCI–cyt b6f supercomplex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii promoting cyclic electron flow under anaerobic conditions2018LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain Single Particle AnalysisPNASView
Cell-free formation and interactome analysis of caveolae 2018LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyJournal of Cell BiologyView
Structural Insights into Human Bocaparvoviruses2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of VirologyView2.8 Angstrom resolution Cryo-EM on a DE-20
Mechanism of ribosome rescue by ArfA and RF22017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMeLife SciencesView3.15 A resolution Cryo-EM on a DE-20
Interfacial Insight from Operando XAS/TEM for Magnesium Metal Deposition with Borohydride Electrolytes2017DE-12JEOLJEM 2100MaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMChem MaterViewDE-12 used to observe Mg metal and SEI deposition on Pt electrode
An In situ TEM study of the surface oxidation of palladium nanocrystals assisted by electron irradiation2017DE-12Hitachi9500 ETEMMaterialsIn situGas phase EMNanoscaleViewIn situ ETEM at atomic resolution with DE-12
Accurate model annotation of a near-atomic resolution cryo-EM map2017DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPNASView
Microscopic Characterization of the Brazilian Giant Samba Virus2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEM, Cryo Electron TomographyVirusesView
The Ms6 Mycolyl-Arabinogalactan Esterase LysB is Essential for an Efficient Mycobacteriophage-Induced Lysis2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyMdpi.Com/1999-4915/9/11/343View
The Opportunistic Pathogen Vibrio vulnificus Produces Outer Membrane Vesicles in a Spatially Distinct Manner Related to Capsular Polysaccharide2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyFrontiers In MicrobiologyView
The Molecular Architecture for RNA-Guided RNA Cleavage by Cas13a2017DE-20TFSTalos F200CBiologyCryoEMNegative Stain TEMCellView
Portal protein functions akin to a DNA-sensor that couples genome-packaging to icosahedral capsid maturation2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature CommunicationsView
Stability of Cucumber Necrosis Virus at the Quasi-6-Fold Axis Affects Zoospore Transmission2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Competing scaffolding proteins determine capsid size during mobilization of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity islands2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMElifeView
The 2.8 Å Electron Microscopy Structure of Adeno-Associated Virus-DJ Bound by a Heparinoid Pentasaccharide2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMMolecular Therapy – Methods & Clinical DevelopmentView
Norovirus Escape from Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Is Limited to Allostery-Like Mechanisms2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMMsphereView
Peripheral myelin protein 22 alters membrane architecture2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyScience AdvancesView
Structural Heterogeneity in Pre-40S Ribosomes2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
Structural model of dodecameric heat-shock protein Hsp21: Flexible N-terminal arms interact with client proteins while C-terminal tails maintain the dodecamer and chaperone activity2017DE-20JEOLJEM2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of Biological ChemistryView
Pih1p-Tah1p Puts a Lid on Hexameric AAA+ ATPases Rvb1/2p2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
Polymer Structure and Conformation Alter the Antigenicity of Virus-like Particle–Polymer Conjugates2017DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJACSView
Bri2 BRICHOS client specificity and chaperone activity are governed by assembly state2017DE-20JEOLJEM2100FBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature CommunicationsView
Coupling between myosin head conformation and the thick filament backbone structure2017DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of Structural BiologyView
Engineering Recombinant Virus-like Nanoparticles from Plants for Cellular Delivery2017LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMACS Nano View
Multicolor Electron Microscopy for Simultaneous Visualization of Multiple Molecular Species2016DE-12JEOLJEM 3200EFBiologyCryoEMEFTEMCell Chemical BiologyViewEFTEM using a DE-12 with Omega filter
Big Data Analytics for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Ptychography2016DE-12TFSTitan 300/80Materials4D STEMComputational methodsScientific ReportsView4D STEM on a DE-12
Desorption-Mediated Motion of Nanoparticles at the Liquid–Solid Interface2016DE-12JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situ Liquid phase EMJ Phys Chem CView100 fps in situ movies on the DE-12
Linker-Mediated Self-Assembly Dynamics of Charged Nanoparticles2016DE-12JEOLJEM 2200FSMaterialsIn situ Liquid phase EMACS Nano View100 fps in situ movies on the DE-12
Structure of myosin filaments from relaxed Lethocerus flight muscle by cryo-EM at 6 Å resolution2016DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScience AdvancesView
Correlated fluorescence microscopy and cryo-electron Cryo Electron Tomography of virus-infected or transfected mammalian cells2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature ProtocolsView
Designer nanoscale DNA assemblies programmed from the top down2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMScienceView
Fabrication of RNA 3D Nanoprisms for Loading and Protection of Small RNAs and Model Drugs2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMAdvanced MaterialsView
A chikungunya fever vaccine utilizing an insect-specific virus platform2016DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature MedecineView
Pleomorphic Structures in Human Blood Are Red Blood Cell-Derived Microparticles, Not Bacteria2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyPlos OneView
Self-Assembly of an α-Helical Peptide into a Crystalline Two-Dimensional Nanoporous Framework2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMLow dose HRTEMJACSView
Three-Dimensional Structural Characterization of HIV-1 Tethered to Human Cells2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyJournal Of VirologyView
Functional receptor molecules CD300lf and CD300ld within the CD300 family enable murine noroviruses to infect cells2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMPNASView
A live RSV vaccine with engineered thermostability is immunogenic in cotton rats despite high attenuation2016DE-20JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature CommunicationsView
Rapid aberration measurement with pixelated detectors2016DE-12TFSTitanMaterials4D STEMComputational MethodsJournal Of MicroscopyView
Botulinum neurotoxin type-A enters a non-recycling pool of synaptic vesicles2016LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyScientific ReportsView
The MTA1 subunit of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase complex can recruit two copies of RBBP4/72016LC-1100TFSTecnai 12BiologyOtherNegative Stain Single Particle AnalysisProtein ScienceView
Catadioptric aberration correction in cathode lens microscopy2015LV-126CustomCustomMaterialsLow kVLEEM/PEEMUltramicroscopyViewFirst experimental images recorded with LV-126 camera. Description of installation on a custom LEEM/PEEM system
Promotion of virus assembly and organization by the measles virus matrix protein2015DE-20JEOLJEM 2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyNature CommunicationsViewCryo electron tomography on a DE-20
In Situ Study of Lithiation and Delithiation of MoS2 Nanosheets Using Electrochemical Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy2015DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situLiquid phase EMNano LettersViewIn situ battery Electrochemistry
In situ TEM study of the Li–Au reaction in an electrochemical liquid cell2015DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situ Liquid phase EMFaraday DiscussionsViewIn situ battery Electrochemistry
The influence of frame alignment with dose compensation on the quality of single particle reconstructions2015DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of Structural BiologyView
Automated batch fiducial-less tilt-series alignment in Appion using Protomo2015DE-20TFSTitan KriosBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyJournal Of Structural BiologyView
Infectious dengue vesicles derived from CD61+ cells in acute patient plasma exhibited a diaphanous appearance2015DE-12JEOLJEM 2100BiologyCryoEMLow-dose HRTEMScientific ReportsView
Dimeric Organization of Blood Coagulation Factor VIII bound to Lipid Nanotubes2015DE-12JEOLJEM-2200FSBiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyScientific ReportsView
A Cholesterol-Dependent Endocytic Mechanism Generates Midbody Tubules During Cytokinesis2015LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyTrafficView
Visualization of Electrode–Electrolyte Interfaces in LiPF6/EC/DEC Electrolyte for Lithium Ion Batteries via in Situ TEM2014DE-12JEOLJEM 2100FMaterialsIn situ Liquid phase EMNano LettersViewIn situ battery Electrochemistry
An atomic model of brome mosaic virus using direct electron detection and real-space optimization2014DE-12JEOLJEM 3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMNature CommunicationsView3.8 Å resolution in single particle cryo-EM. Motion correction and damage compensation methods used
A Newly Isolated Reovirus Has the Simplest Genomic and Structural Organization of Any Reovirus2014DE-20JEOLJEM-3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal Of VirologyView
Improving Signal to Noise in Labeled Biological Specimens Using Energy-Filtered TEM of Sections with a Drift Correction Strategy and a Direct Detection Device2014DE-12JEOLJEM-3200EFBiologyCryoEMEFTEMMicroscopy And MicroanalysisView
Three-dimensional reconstructions of the bacteriophage CUS-3 virion reveal a conserved coat protein I-domain but a distinct tailspike receptor-binding domain2014DE-12TFSPolaraBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMVirologyViewSingle-particle CryoEM
Galectin-3 drives glycosphingolipid-dependent biogenesis of clathrin-independent carriers2014LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyNature Cell BiologyView
Noise models and cryo-EM drift correction with a direct-electron camera2013DE-12TFSTecnai TF20BiologyCryoEMComputational MethodsUltramicroscopyView
Allosteric Regulation of DNA Cleavage and Sequence-Specificity through Run-On Oligomerization2013DE-12TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
Beam-induced motion of vitrified specimen on holey carbon film2012DE-12TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMComputational methodsJournal of Structural BiologyViewFirst Cryo-EM Motion Correction - Awarded Journal of Structural Biology Paper of the Year
Direct electron detection yields cryo-EM reconstructions at resolutions beyond 3/4 Nyquist frequency2012DE-12JEOLJEM 3200FSCBiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of Structural BiologyViewFirst Cryo-EM Reconstruction Near Nyquist
Movies of Ice-Embedded Particles Enhance Resolution in Electron Cryo-Microscopy2012DE-12TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMStructureView
Postlipolytic insulin-dependent remodeling of micro lipid droplets in adipocytes2012LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyOtherNegative Stain TomographyMolecular Biology of the CellView
Constitutive Formation of Caveolae in a Bacterium2012LC-1100TFSTecnai F30BiologyCryoEMCryo Electron TomographyCellView
Initial evaluation of a direct detection device detector for single particle cryo-electron microscopy2011DE-12TFSTecnai F20BiologyCryoEMSingle-particle CryoEMJournal of Structural BiologyViewFirst Direct detection device publication